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2021年3月05日 01:40

The report also explains that bitcoin has seen three different stages of focus so far: technological oddity, censorship-resistant money, and digital gold. It further predicts that we will soon see a fourth stage of focus as bitcoin transitions to becoming an international trade currency. “This would take advantage of bitcoin’s decentralized and borderless design, its lack of foreign exchange exposure, its speed and cost advantage in moving money, the security of its payments, and its traceability,” the Citi report describes.

The Citi GPS http://knifenewsroom.com/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 report explains that “the biggest change with http://mayorsmanor.com/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 bitcoin is the shift from it being primarily a retail-focused endeavor to something that looks attractive for institutional investors.” The firm attributes the http://agv-group.com/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 change to “Specific enhancements to exchanges, trading, data, http://events.ibctamil.com/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 and custody services” that are “increasing and being revamped to accommodate the requirements of institutional investors.”

Highlighting “the http://onlineteachered.mit.edu/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 advantage of bitcoin in global http://uspeh-tagan.ru/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6
payments, http://vostokbaza.ru/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 including its decentralized design, lack http://yuvaengineers.com/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 of foreign exchange exposure, http://montblancpensofficial.us.com/search/1227f5c5b0ad07ec48a382fedd4a79b6 fast (and potentially cheaper) money movements, secure payment channels, and traceability,” the report details:

Meanwhile, the report notes that “Large institutional investors and organizations are choosing to participate in and support bitcoin” while “Regulators are beginning to lay the groundwork for the asset to potentially enter the mainstream.”

It further emphasizes that this progression occurring “in just over a decade makes bitcoin remarkable regardless of its future,” concluding:

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